Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter 2011

I'm starting this post and will add pics to it as I take them!

Levis preschool class had an egg hunt play day!

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I count him too!

Here is my fAVORITE picture of me and my god-son, DJ.
I count him as yet another answer to my prayer for boys. He is so cute, happy, busy, nosey, content, and about to start crawling. I still can't believe he was born on my birthday. He is 6 months old and growing so much. I pray I will be a good god-parent and love him like my own.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ben's 2nd Bday Party

Washington Park was the perfect place to celebrate Ben's 2nd bday this year. The weather was beautiful!

Nanna and Papa with the Birthday Boy

Finally, my cupcake!

Lil Zo and Levi

Lonna and Halley

Great mentor/mentee opportunity, Aaron and Jeff :)

Can you tell he is being sarcastic?

My god-son, not too happy!


Smile Weegie! Hey little mentee! love you Ciarra!

It's not a party without Jamie :)

SOOOO precious - what will he do if Keshia leaves us?!

So grown up!

I think we know who the REAL SWEETIE is! ZARI~~!!

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sweet moments I don't want to forget

Ethans first chapter book

Loving his new cousin, Jon Loran

Bryce made me soup when I was sick

Our god-son DJ


Early morning cartoons

Love this tiny hand on my shoulder

Friends :)

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Ben turns 2

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Recent pics

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