The book, "For Instruction in Righteousness," (from has become an essential part of my day! It is an AMAZING resource for using the scriptures to really train my children as I discipline them. I have been leaving it out and open on the counter or table and refer to it many times a day. As situations come up, I am able to easily find the topic I am dealing with (anger, disobedience, lying, hitting, etc) and immediately have access to bible verses and ideas for effective discipline. For example, when Ethan came home from school and had been in trouble for pinching a friend, I was able to have several consequences ready to help train him, and let him see the seriousness of hands that hurt other people.
1. He did receive 5 spankings.
2. He was not allowed to play with friends for the afternoon.
3. He had to make something for the child he hurt, to show his repentance and love.