Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I just had to take a moment at the end of a really LONG day and write what just happened with Bryce.  I had to move him out of the room with Levi (it just wasn't working!) and he got really upset and said "I hate you!  I wish I lived somewhere else."
I heard him, chose to remain calm and just told him that what he said hurt me and please get in bed.  
Well, a few minutes later, he came out of his room with tears in his eyes, and said, " I am sorry for being so disrespectful to you mom and for saying those things."  FINALLY!  a glimpse of some true repentance from him!  It was a wonderful moment and i didn't want to forget it. 

1 comment:

  1. Praising God from whom ALL blessings flow...especially and probably most important a truly repentant heart. Jesus said, "she loves much because she has been forgiven much". Praying for your boys to have repentant hearts is the starting point of both love and worship, as well as healing among the "brethren" ( your full house and the world!)
