He does not expect Perfection - that is why Jesus had to come live and die for us! He expects us to submit to His authority and to want to obey and try hard to keep his commands out of our love for Him - and relying on the Holy Spirit for help. He wants us to have a tender conscience, a teachable spirit and a heart that listens to his voice. He wants us to confess our sin and be humble in our repentance. And when we must be disciplined, we need to accept it and learn from it. This has been so freeing for me as I pray these things for my children, and understand that they are sinners and will continue to sin!!
I am going to post the part that has helped me the most, and will tell the specific stories in another post. Try this!
" Son, you can't obey by yourself! That is why Jesus died on the cross, because we can't do it ourselves. Remember the Bible says that Jesus died so that we would have new life. You can't obey in your own strength, but you can obey in Jesus strength. Let's pray right now and ask Jesus to help.
' Dear God, please help me to obey you and love you. I just can't do it by myself. Please forgive me for ____. Please help me to trust you. I know that you are the only one who can help me be different and turn my heart to you. Please help me to obey my parents and to obey you.'"
Casey just got this book for us at the piper conference. I love it. It has really change my thinking and what I say or try not to say.