Several years ago, I decided to teach my oldest boys my phone number in case of emergencies. I think Ethan was 3 and Bryce was 5. I was so surprised how quickly they learned it! Well, a while ago, BK decided to change phone plans and decided that the best plan was for him to take my number and for a while I had to keep his old number. So now, Bryce and Ethan both know DAD's number, not mine. For some reason, this was fine with me, as long as they knew at least one number.
This fall, Bryce has been playing football at the YMCA that is less than a mile from our house. It works out so well with our busy schedule. I drop Bryce off for practice and then he calls his dad when it is time to pick him up.
Well, last night, BK was out of town and I wasn't sure when he would be back, so I told Bryce he would need to call me when practice was over. I proceeded to pull out a little yellow sticky pad and quickly wrote my cell number down for him.
"Mom, the last time you did this, I lost it!"
"Bryce, all you have to do is take this paper to the LADY at the FRONT DESK and tell her to please hold it for you so you can call your mom when practice is over."
"OK" (reluctantly)
I folded up the the little yellow sticky note with my number on it and Bryce got out of the car and proceeded to walk straight up to his COACH, while I am watching, hand HIM the note and say, "My mom wanted me to give this to you."
Oh. My. Gosh. You should have seen the coaches face when he opened it up. Mine was beet red.